Amid an ongoing drive against Rohingya Muslims here, Jammu and Kashmir Jal Shakti Minister Javed Ahmed Rana on Saturday said the water supply will not be snapped to the slums housing the illegal immigrants, pending a call from the Centre on their deportation.
Rana’s statement came after Rohingyas living on three plots of land in Narwal area of Jammu claimed that their power and water supply was snapped recently by the administration.
“The government is duty-bound to ensure water supply to all human beings. We will ensure water supply to them (Rohingyas) on humanitarian grounds till the government of India takes a call on their issue,” Rana, who is also minister for forest, ecology and environment, and tribal affairs, told PTI.
The minister said he will take up the disconnection issue with the officials. “Water cannot be stopped to anyone, it is the requirement of all living beings,” the minister said, expressing surprise over the alleged snapping of water supply to a few plots housing Rohingyas by the department.