Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on Saturday announced a cabinet reshuffle that will see his son, Udhayanidhi Stalin, the Minister for Youth Welfare and Sports Development, being appointed as the Deputy CM.
Udhayanidhi is a first-time MLA from Chepauk who came under fire recently for his comments on Sanatana Dharma where he equated the ideology to diseases like malaria and dengue which he said should be eradicated.
The announcement comes days after DMK celebrated its 75th year Diamond Jubilee celebrations in Chennai. According to the press statement released by the Raj Bhavan, Udhayanidhi has been allotted an additional portfolio of Planning and Development, and elevated as the deputy CM of the state.
Further, DMK leader Senthil Balaji, who recently got a bail in connection to a money laundering case linked to an alleged cash-for-jobs scam, will also be re-inducted as a minister in the cabinet.