Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas debuted publicly at Isha Ambani’s pre-engagement bash before tying the knot in a grand ceremony. Their presence at Isha’s wedding, where Priyanka was a bridesmaid, showcased their close bond. Despite a small wedding, Priyanka valued blessings over gifts, though the Ambanis likely presented something extravagant.
Priyanka Chopra
Nick Jonas
made their first public appearance as a couple at
Isha Ambani
Anand Piramal
‘s pre-engagement bash in Mumbai. Months later, they got married in a lavish wedding ceremony.
As a newly married couple, PeeCee and Nick grabbed eyeballs once again when they made a stylish appearance at Isha and Anand’s opulent wedding.
Priyanka looked stunning as one of Isha’s
in an exquisite lehenga for the lavish wedding affair.
Capturing their affection, Priyanka and Nick share a cherished moment together, posing in their finery before immersing themselves in the festivities.
Check out the photos here:
Priyanka Chopra is a familiar face at the
‘ gatherings. The strong bond between Priyanka and Isha is evident, further emphasized by the
Ambani family
‘s presence among the select 180 guests invited to Priyanka and Nick Jonas’s intimate wedding in 2018.
During an interview with
Kapil Sharma
, Priyanka Chopra shared insights about her wedding, revealing that despite the modest guest list of around 180, mostly family, she didn’t receive many gifts. However, she emphasized the significance of blessings over material items. Despite her humble response, it’s likely the Ambanis presented something meaningful and lavish.