The Kerala High Court has directed the Executive Engineer, Public Works department (PWD), Ernakulam, to assess the damage caused to the houses of 15 residents in the explosion in February at a temporary firecracker storage unit at Choorakkad near Thripunithura.
The court also directed the Executive Engineer to complete the assessment within two months. The order was issued recently on a writ petition by Gopinathan C. of Choorakad and 14 other residents seeking a directive to the State government to authorise an official to assess the damage caused to the houses of the petitioners. The petitioners also sought a compensation of ₹1 lakh towards the mental agony and insecurity suffered by them, from the government.
When the petition came up for hearing, Asif Ali M.H., counsel for the petitioners, submitted that despite repeated requests by the petitioners for immediate disbursal of compensation, the competent authorities did not pay heed to them.