It’ll be Hindi-only House Broadcast: Sansad TV will only broadcast Rajya Sabha proceedings in Hindi now, with just the interpreter’s voice relayed when a member speaks in English. Previously, speeches were televised as spoken. According to sources, the modification was implemented at the instruction of Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar. Due to the many distractions caused by the Adani indictment issue, Dhankhar does practically all of the discussion before adjourning the House. This has resulted in a unique situation in which only the Hindi translation of his words (Dhankhar mostly speaks English) are broadcast. Viewers in the northeast and South India will likewise have issues with all proceedings broadcast in Hindi, whether raw or interpreted.
Change Must Start at the Top: Bihar’s transport department is conducting a special drive to inspect the pollution certificates of private automobiles. However, someone discovered that the pollution certificate for Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar‘s government car was not renewed after it expired in August. When the news broke, opposition parties began to question it. Now the vehicle’s pollution certificate has been updated.