1 Invent a herb (4)
3 What may be seen in Manhattan is a film about greed (4,6)
9 We’re told of SE Asians’ connections (4)
10 Goth prayed desperately for source of support(7,3)
12 Greens’ constituent circulated cute leaflet(7,4)
15 Murder a pizza? (7)
16 Very hot Norwegians, A-ha: randy (to some extent) (7)
17 List includes duck – but you want another bird … (7)
19 … a small company, and you want credit note up-front? Sauce! (7)
20 Cockney retained her provision for baking – and something for liqueurs? (11)
23 Thomas perhaps embracing trendy field of research (10)
24 ‘A bore’? Tolkien creature? That’s not on (4)
25 Daffy old boater’s one swinging more than one way (6,4)
26 Judas Iscariot, within: unaltered (2,2)
1 Dodgy stimulator for agents of unwelcome change (10)
2 Tangled knotweed? No, only if necessary (4-2-4)
4 After injection of iodine, a thorax is most sore (7)
5 Large prison officers failing to open smallish rooms (7)
6 Leading lady to see where appetisers appear(3,2,3,4)
7 Disasters Leonidas dodged regularly (4)
8 Country 15? (4)
11 Funny, mirthful Noel, OK? (3-2-3-4)
13 Everyman regularly gets into these arguments (10)
14 Incites, in middle of open court, displays of fury (10)
18 Cooked but not good: dotted with holes (7)
19 Lad caught by Dorothy’s dog somewhere in N America (7)
21 Tosses in a turgid offhand prècis … finally (4)
22 America is a revolutionary, enormous mass of land (4)
Solution No. 3308