New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi lauded the efforts of crores of Indians in making the Swachh Bharat mission a success, saying after the completion of ten years of the campaign that it would not have made these achievements had 140 crore people not contributed to it. He recalled that when he announced this mission from the Red Fort some people had made fun of him but its seriousness dawned on the masses and they worked for it.
Modi cited a study by an international organisation that stated that three lakh Indian lives have been saved due to cleanliness efforts which prevented spread of diseases through building of toilets in homes, bringing down child mortality and earmarking toilets for girl students in schools.
The prime minister said from only 40% of homes having toilets a decade ago, all homes have been covered today. This has ensured dignity to women and ended the pain and suffering they had to undergo till sunset before they could go out to attend nature’s call.
He maintained that though the call for cleanliness was given by Mahatma Gandhi, the previous governments had ignored this important issue. Cases of Japanese Encephalitis which were reported from Gorakhpur and adjoining areas annually have stopped due to Swachh Bharat, he said.