In a positive development towards eradicating child labour, the incense manufacturing industry in Chittoor and other key districts in Andhra Pradesh is witnessing a steady decline in the incidence, according to a study conducted by India Child Protection (ICP).
According to a press release here on Sunday, the research conducted in partnership with the Chittoor-based NGO, Rural Education and Liberty (REAL), and other organisations, detected that about 77% of respondents in Andhra Pradesh had not encountered child labour in incense stick factories.
Chittoor, with its considerable number of incense production units, has heralded a new wave of encouragement being at the forefront of this positive transformation.
S. Ramarao, Director of REAL in Chittoor, told the media that the findings of the IPC reaffirmed the efforts of the NGOs in eliminating the scourge of child labour. “With our continued collaboration with government agencies, public groups, and industry representatives, we have reached a stage where the menace of child labour would be completely eradicated,” he said, adding that campaigns involving community engagement, awareness themes, and rehabilitation programmes for the exploited groups would continue with more commitment.
Published – March 23, 2025 06:11 pm IST