Dancer Priya Murale and violinists Nandini and Lalitha were presented the Rasa Maamani awards on Friday at Ramana Sunritya Aalaya’s (RASA) 25th anniversary music festival. Classical musician and composer Rajkumar Bharathi, who distributed the awards, recalled his long time association with the awardees. For those who receive the award it is as if they were being blessed by Ramana maharshi himself.
Bhatarnayam exponent Priya Murale, who received the Natana Rasa Maamani award, dedicated it to her teachers. She praised the work of Ambika Kameshwar and her effort in training children. She said she hoped to live upto the responsbility. “Being an artiste we don’t live a structured life,” she said and thanked those who supported her in achieving heights.
Sisters Nandini and Lalitha, violin exponents, who were presented the Isai Rasa Maamani award, thanked their parents Muthuswami and Subbulakshmi and their teachers for standing by them. They termed it a special award.
Ambika Kameshwar, founder-director of Rasa, said a special talent award at Rasa was instituted. Friday’s awardee was Prashanth Kishore, who had been with Rasa for 20 years. He had mastered the Bhagawat Gita and could recite all the slokas, she said.
Published – December 28, 2024 01:02 am IST