Drools, a popular Indian pet-food brand, announced the appointment of Bollywood actress Rakul Preet Singh as its brand ambassador. Rakul, who is vocal about her affection for animals, has previously collaborated with the brand making her a natural fit. This exciting partnership was aimed at coinciding with Mother’s Day, which is a perfect occasion to celebrate the special bond between pet moms and their furry companions.
Rakul Preet Singh turns brand ambassador for Drools Pet Food to empower pet moms
Through this collaboration, Rakul Preet Singh will champion pet wellness, raising awareness about proper pet nutrition and care. Drools aims to empower pet moms by addressing their challenges and expressing deep appreciation for their love and dedication. Expressing her excitement about this campaign, Rakul said, “I’m incredibly happy to be associated with Drools again. Having always been a pet mom, I understand the importance of providing our furry family members with the right nutrition. Drools’ commitment to high-quality pet food resonates deeply with me, and I’m excited to work with them to empower pet parents and educate pet owners across the country.”
To build excitement, Drools also launched a heartwarming teaser campaign on Instagram, sparking speculation about the mystery ambassador. Additionally, customized Drools hampers embedding a QR code were sent to pet moms across the country. Scanning the code revealed a personalized audio message from Rakul herself.
Speaking about this association, Dr. Shashank Sinha, CEO & Veterinarian, Drools also added, “We are delighted to welcome Rakul to the Drools family. Her passion for animals, combined with her national appeal, makes her an ideal partner as we strive to create a more informed and empowered pet parent community in India. On this Mother’s Day, we celebrate the incredible bond between pet moms and their furry companions, and Rakul’s role will be instrumental in amplifying this message.”
Tags : Ad, Ambassador, Bollywood, Brand, Brand Ambassador, Brand Face, Campaign, Commercial, Drools, News, Pet Food, Rakul Preet Singh, Social Media
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