Parmeet Sethi recently shared how he landed the role of the negative character Kuljeet Singh in Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge, despite Aditya Chopra initially selecting another actor. Parmeet insisted on auditioning, eventually winning the role, with support from his wife, Archana Puran Singh, who helped him secure it.
In a conversation with comedian Bharti Singh and her husband Haarsh Limbachiyaa on their YouTube channel, Parmeet revealed that although another actor was initially cast for the role, he was determined to play it. After 15 days of sleepless nights, he called Aditya Chopra and requested an audition. Aditya, who was initially hesitant, mentioned that Parmeet’s positive portrayal in the TV show Dastaan made him feel Parmeet would bring good energy to the role.
The actor explained that Kuljeet Singh’s character in
doesn’t commit any blatant wrongs. In fact, his fiancée is taken away by Raj (Shah Rukh Khan). To make the role convincing for the audience, Aditya needed an actor who could convincingly look like a villain.
Archana Puran Singh explained how she assisted Parmeet in landing the role by teaching him certain slangs and mannerisms. She shared that, being from Delhi, she was familiar with how chauvinistic men talk about women, so she helped him understand how to portray the teasing attitude accurately.
Parmeet recalled how Chopra confirmed him for the role after watching his audition in silence for a while. Archana mentioned that Karan Johar, who was an assistant on the film, was also in the room handling the camera. Eventually, Aditya stood up and declared, “You are my Kuljeet.”
The actor expressed his excitement after getting the role, recalling how he shouted loudly in joy as soon as he got into his car.