Telly actor Akshay Kharodia, best known for his role as Dev Pandya in Pandya Store, has announced separation from his wife Divya in a heartfelt social media post, after three years of marriage. The couple, who are also parents to a baby girl named Ruhi, have parted ways but have not shared any specific reason for the decision. However, in his emotional note, Akshay has insisted that they have decided to take this step after much contemplation, asserting that they will continue to co-parent their two-year-old daughter.
Pandya Store actor Akshay Kharodia announces separation from his wife Divya; asserts about co-parenting their daughter Ruhi
Akshay Kharodia took to Instagram to share a beautiful photo from their wedding in Dehradun and shared a note saying, “Hello everyone, With a heavy heart, I want to share a deeply personal update. After much thought and countless emotional conversations, Divya and I have decided to part ways.” He continued, “This has been an incredibly difficult decision for both of us. Divya has been an irreplaceable part of my life, and the love, laughter, and memories we’ve shared will always remain precious to me. Together, we were blessed with the greatest gift—our daughter, Ruhi—who will always be the center of our world.”
“As we take this step, our commitment to Ruhi remains unwavering. She will always have the love, care, and support of both her parents, and we will continue to co-parent with love and respect for her well-being.” He added and concluded the caption, “This is not an easy moment for our family, and we ask for your understanding, kindness, and privacy as we navigate this challenging time. Please remember us not for this moment of separation, but for the love and joy we once shared. Thank you for standing by us with your support and compassion.”
Akshay Kharodia tied the knot with his longtime girlfriend Dr. Divya Punetha in a traditional ceremony on June 21, 2021. The couple welcomed their daughter Ruhi on April 17, 2022.
Also Read: Inside Pics: Pandya Store actor Akshay Kharodia celebrates his daughter’s first birthday
Tags : Akshay Kharodia, Daughter, Divorce, Divya, Dr Divya Punetha, Father, Indian Television, Marriage, News, Pandya Store, Separation, Social Media, Suhaagan, Television, TV, wife
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