Nana Patekar has recently confessed that Virat Kohli is his favourite player. The actor had said that he loses his appetite when Virat gets out, he’s just that obsessed with him. As Virat is recently playing the test series for the Border Gavaskar trophy in Australia, the cricketer got out at 20 runs in a recent match. This led to a hilarious meme fest on social media. Some were even concerned if Nana ate as Virat got gout.
A hilarious meme shared by a user saw Nana in a still from ‘Welcome’ and it read, “Kya Karu Bhookh ka? Kuch Khaa bhi toh nahi sakta. Virat se pyaar joh karta hoon.’
Another tweet read, “
No breakfast for Nana Patekar
. Virat Kohli goes under 20 again.”
Nana had said in an interview, “Virat Kohli is my favourite player. If he gets out early, I don’t feel like eating. That’s how much I care about cricket.”
He also compared cricket with cinema and added, “Our exams are similar. Cricketers’ games last five days, but ours stretch to one-and-a-half to two years, and the public decides the result.”
On work front, Nana was recently seen in a film called ‘Vanvaas’. The actor had spoken to ETimes about getting the kind of appreciation he has got over the years for his contribution to cinema. He had said, “The appreciation I receive isn’t because of the characters I played but because of the powerful stories those films had. The credit belongs to the directors and writers who created those roles. People see my face, but it’s through me that the directors told their stories. My contribution is just 25%; the rest belongs to the director, writer, cinematographer, music director, and producer. While it feels good to be appreciated, I don’t like to dwell on nostalgia when it comes to my work. I prefer to forget my characters once a project is over, or else I won’t be able to embrace my next role. What’s gone is gone. I focus on living in the moment and finding joy in what I do today.”