The Akkineni family proudly announced the marriage of Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala in a grand, traditional Telugu wedding held at the iconic Annapurna Studios in Hyderabad. The ceremony featured an elaborate temple-themed setup and carried immense sentimental value as the first major celebration following the unveiling of the statue of Akkineni Nageswara Rao (ANR) Garu, honoring the legendary actor-producer’s birth centenary.
The wedding took place during the auspicious muhuratam of 8:13 PM, with rituals conducted under the guidance of family elders. Loved ones, close friends, and celebrities joined the festivities to bless the couple. The event was a vibrant celebration of love, heritage, and tradition.
Reflecting on the joyous occasion, Nagarjuna Akkineni shared, “This wedding is a deeply meaningful moment for our family. Having
and Sobhita start their journey at Annapurna Studios, surrounded by the love of family and friends, fills my heart with immense pride and gratitude. It is a celebration of love, tradition, and togetherness that reflects the values my father stood for—family, respect, and unity. Seeing them begin this beautiful chapter is a moment of great joy for all of us, and we feel truly blessed to witness it.”
Sobhita & Chaitanya’s Traditional Telugu Wedding; First Viral Photos Of The Newlyweds | WATCH
The ceremony, which extended into the early hours, highlighted the richness of Telugu culture with chanting of Vedic hymns and sacred rituals. Sobhita looked radiant in a traditional silk saree with a red border, while Naga Chaitanya donned a classic pattu pancha, both embracing their Telugu heritage.
The wedding radiated joy and togetherness as the couple began their new chapter surrounded by love, laughter, and heartfelt blessings. The Akkineni family expressed their gratitude for the overwhelming support and love, cherishing the event as a perfect blend of tradition and modernity, creating memories to last a lifetime.