After the success of Munjya, Abhay Verma is said to be joining Shah Rukh Khan‘s upcoming film King, which will also feature SRK’s daughter, Suhana Khan, in the lead role. However, the actor from Panipat has not yet confirmed his involvement in the film.
In an exclusive interview with News18 Showsha, Abhay gave a vague response when asked about the highly anticipated film. He mentioned that nothing has been confirmed yet regarding his involvement.
He expressed uncertainty about joining the film, saying that while he hopes it happens, nothing has been confirmed yet. He mentioned that he’s flattered by the ongoing rumors and is excited at the thought of meeting his idol, Shah Rukh Khan. He joked about even playing a small role just to be a part of the experience, hoping to live out a dream he’s had for years.
When asked about feeling nervous after the success of Munjya, Abhay Verma revealed that he doesn’t feel pressured. Instead, he expressed happiness in being able to inspire other aspiring actors with his work. He focused on the positive impact his journey can have on others.
Abhay Verma shared that we live in a fortunate time where actors don’t need to pretend to be someone else to succeed or gain fame. He expressed happiness in sharing his own story of coming from Panipat, as it offers hope to others aspiring to break into the industry. He finds it fulfilling to inspire others.