Jackky Bhagnani and Rakul Preet Singh, who tied the knot on February 21, 2024, in a star-studded beach wedding in Goa, recently marked three months of marital bliss. The couple, currently enjoying a vacation in Fiji, took to social media to share their joy and love for each other with their fans.
Jackky Bhagnani and Rakul Preet Singh celebrate 3 months of marital bliss
On May 21, Jackky Bhagnani was the first to commemorate the occasion, posting a sweet selfie with Rakul and writing, “Three months in, and it feels like just yesterday we started this journey together. Time flies when you’re with the one you love.” A couple of hours later, Rakul responded with her own heartfelt message, saying, “Dayumm you beat me to it again. Happy 3 months my love. Here is to forever.”
Their wedding was a grand affair attended by numerous Bollywood celebrities, with festivities spanning multiple days and culminating in a traditional ceremony on the beach. As they celebrate their third month of marriage, the couple continues to share glimpses of their happiness, including their current idyllic getaway.
Rakul Preet Singh, who made her acting debut in Kannada cinema and has since starred in numerous Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi films, expressed her love for Jackky on their first month anniversary with a series of unseen wedding photos. She captioned the post, “And it’s already a month. Time has flown by and so will life!! Love ya to the moon and back. Here is to dancing away our entire life #onemonthanniversary @jackkybhagnani.” Rakul will next be seen in the Hindi film Meri Patni Ka Remake and the Tamil action film Indian 2.
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