The highly-anticipated debut of Aamir Khan’s son Junaid Khan has landed in trouble. The Yash Raj Films and Netflix collaboration titled Maharaj which is inspired by a true story from 1860s will not be releasing until June 18. It seems that Vishnu Hindu Parishad aka VHP has raised objection against the release of the film, claiming that it hurts the sentiments of a religious community.
High court stays the release of Junaid Khan, Jaideep Ahlawat starrer Maharaj until June 18
After reports suggested that the hearing for the same was held in Ahmedabad and Mumbai court simultaneously, it has been revealed that the decision has come from the Gujarat court that the film will not be released until June 18. It is yet to be seen if the stay on the film will be lifted post the given date but the decision will be taken only in the next hearing. Sources have told ETimes that advocate J Sai Deepak is fighting the case on behalf of VHP whereas a team of over 20 lawyers have been assigned from Yash Raj Films to defend the case.
What does the current stay order say?
In the stay order released by the portal, it reads, “Today on Urgency few devotees and follower of Pushti margi Vaishav panth approached Gujarat High Court Vide SCA/8772/24 after hearing of at length Gujarat High Court issued notice to the broadcasting authority, Central board of Film Certification and Producer of the film “Maharaj” Yash Raj Film, OTT Netflix and make it returnable on 18/6, till returnable date high court granted stay on broadcasting release on OTT and media of Movie MAHARAJ”.
Maharaj is based on true events
Directed by Siddharth P. Malhotra, Maharaj is based on a courageous journalist who sets out to expose a revered religious leader and his illegal activities and sexual liasons inspired by the 1862 Maharaj Libel case. The film marks the debut of Aamir Khan’s son Junaid Khan along with Shalini Pandey as the leading lady and Jaideep Ahlawat as the antagonist. The film will be premiering on the streaming platform Netflix.
More Pages: Maharaj Box Office Collection
Tags : Boycott, Case, Debut, High Court, Jaideep Ahlawat, Junaid Khan, Maharaj, Netflix, Netflix India, News, OTT, OTT Platform, Vishnu Hindu Parishad
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