The Tamil Nadu Agricultural University in Coimbatore. | Photo Credit: File photo
Eleven former students of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), Coimbatore, have cleared competitive examinations of the Central and State governments this year.
Subashkarthik from Tirunelveli District has cleared the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) exam for posting in Indian Police Service, and Oviya from Dindigul district has passed the Indian Revenue Service exam.
Out of the rest who had cleared the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) exams — Ganthiriya and Nithya are posted in the cadre of Deputy Collector, Vignesh in Deputy Superintendent of Police cadre, Ajithkumar as Deputy Registrar of Cooperative Societies, and Vaishali and Indra Priyadarshini as Assistant commissioners in Commercial Taxes.
At a felicitation function held at the TNAU on Tuesday, the achievers shared their experiences with a gathering of 600 undergraduate students.
Felicitating the students, V. Geethalakshmi, Vice-Chancellor, said the learning resources that the university was equipped with has been of immense utility for the students to prepare and succeed in competitive examinations.