Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Wednesday expressed confidence that the efforts of the “double engine government” to take the state on the path of prosperity and development will gain further momentum in 2025. The chief minister affirmed the “double engine government” is committed to make Uttar Pradesh the country’s leading state.
“The standard of living of the people of the state is continuously improving due to the development and public welfare schemes being run in the state,” Adityanath said on X.
“Every section of the society, including the poor, farmers, youth and women, is benefiting from the schemes of the double engine government,” he said.
Adityanath said ‘New Uttar Pradesh of New India’ is playing its meaningful role in advancing heritage and development.
“There is full confidence that the efforts of the double engine government to take the state on the path of prosperity and development will gain further momentum in the year 2025,” he added.