The Hyderabad Cyber Crime police started questioning the Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee social media staff in connection with Union Minister Amit Shahās alleged morphed video. They had earlier booked cases against them on April 27 against the five, including two women. While the questioning commenced on Thursday, officials are yet to confirm their detention.
Earlier, the Delhi Police summoned Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee president A. Revanth Reddy for allegedly posting the video on X (formerly Twitter). While the Delhi police were trying to serve the second notices on the individuals, the Cyber Crimes police of Hyderabad allegedly detained the five, identified as Manne Satish Kumar, Naveen Pettem,Ā Shiva Kumar Ambala, Geeta and Asma Tasleema, and questioned them.Ā
The Hyderabad police had booked cases under Sections 469, 505 (1)(c) of the IPC following a complaint from G. Premender Reddy, the BJP State General Secretary. He had alleged that the Congress party leaders had morphed a video of Union Home Minister, Amit Shah in regard to his statements on Muslim and SC/ST reservation.