Renowned actors Rajkummar Rao and Patralekhaa have officially launched their production house, Kampa Films, marking a significant milestone in their careers. The name ‘Kampa’ is deeply personal, combining the initials of their mothers’ names, symbolizing their dedication to creating impactful and meaningful cinema. The couple expressed their excitement about this new venture.
CONFIRMED! Rajkummar Rao and Patralekhaa turn producers, announce Kampa Films: “Natural extension of our love for cinema”
Patralekhaa shared, “We’ve always believed in the power of storytelling. With Kampa, we’re looking forward to sharing these stories with the world.” Rajkummar Rao added, “For Patralekhaa and I, Kampa is a natural extension of our love for cinema. We’ve always believed in the magic of storytelling, and Kampa gives us the chance to bring stories we care about to life. We’re excited to take this step together.”
A Vision for Impactful Cinema
Kampa Films aims to produce stories that are both thought-provoking and entertaining, reflecting the couple’s artistic sensibilities and commitment to quality filmmaking. Reportedly, the production house has already begun work on its first project, an untitled film directed by Vivek Daschaudhary, who previously served as an assistant director on Guns & Gulaabs (2023). This project marks the beginning of what promises to be an exciting slate of films under the Kampa banner.
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