Actress Archana Puran Singh recently shared a touching story from her early career, speaking about the kindness of veteran actor Shakti Kapoor. While reminiscing about her struggles to buy her first flat, Archana revealed how Shakti came to her aid by offering to loan her Rs 50,000, a substantial amount at that time.
During the filming of ‘
The Great Indian Kapil Show
‘, where Shakti Kapoor appeared alongside Govinda and Chunky Panday, Archana recounted this significant moment in her life. She described how, despite facing financial challenges, Shakti’s generous offer provided her with much-needed support. “It was a big deal then,” she said, expressing her gratitude for his willingness to help when she needed it most.
She said, “I can never forget. When I wanted to buy a flat, he offered me Rs 50,000 and said, “If you need it, I can loan you this much,” she revealed.
Shakti Kapoor humorously noted how far Archana has come since then, mentioning that she now owns three bungalows. In a lighthearted exchange, Archana playfully warned him not to jinx her success by saying “Nazar na laga tu,” to which Shakti responded that he couldn’t possibly bring her bad luck.
Archana Puran Singh is well-known for her roles as a judge on comedy shows and has built a strong fan base over the years. She has played numerous
comedy roles
in several
movies and was last seen on the big screen in Rajkummar Rao and Tripti Dimri romance comedy starrer, ‘Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video’.
On the other hand, he is seen as the permanent guest on ‘The Great Indian Kapil Show’.