The BJP on Friday demanded Rahul Gandhi and Mallikarjun Kharge‘s apology following the Congress president’s suggestion that his party’s state units should make only those promises that are fiscally doable, a statement seen by many as an acknowledgment of financial constraints that some of its guarantees face in states.
BJP leader Ravi Shankar Prasad mockingly asked if Kharge has given his first “gyan” to Gandhi, noting the former Congress president often boasts of “khata khat” (immediate) transfer of money to different population segments during state and national elections in the case of his party coming to power.
Kharge has realised that the Congress should not make reckless announcements, the former Law Minister told reporters, claiming that the party-run governments in states like Karnataka, Telangana and Himachal Pradesh are faced with financial hardships in fulfilling the guarantees offered to the people.