The Madras Corporation and City Scavengers’ Union has represented, by the Corporation Health Officer, the grievances of the scavengers and the great hardships they are subject to for consideration and remedy. Some of the grievances are thus: (1) the scavengers are not given 15 days’ leave on full pay as they are entitled to; (2) that they are overworked as Night Soil Depot coolies in digging grounds; (3) the night drivers who work hard the whole night are required to present themselves at 8:30 a.m. to answer the Muster Roll call, to work till 12 noon and again turn up at 4 p.m. and work till 6 p.m. and run up again for night duty, wages being paid for work in the nights only; (4) that the men should be paid their monthly wages not later than the 5th of every month; and (5) that the motor lorry coolies who work from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. without any rest every day should be given at least a half holiday on Saturdays.
Published – September 30, 2024 04:00 am IST