Krishna district Collector D.K. Balaji on Wednesday informed the team of the Central officials that the recent floods in the district caused a loss of ₹1,200 crore in agriculture-related sectors, roads, irrigation, electricity, rural water supply and other segments.
The team of inter-ministerial Central officials who came to inspect and assess the damage in the flood-affected areas of the district, held a meeting with the District Collector and officials of various departments at Andhra Pradesh State Disaster Management Authority (APSDMA) office in Tadepalli in Guntur district.
Using a power point presentation, the Collector explained that huge amount of flood water coming from the upper reaches of Krishna river, the overflowing Budameru and landslides were the main reasons for the large extent of damage in the district.
Citing past examples, he said the residents of low-lying areas in the Budameru catchment had been at the end of the nature’s wrath. He said the district had registered 120 cm rainfall in August that caused extensive damage to agriculture and horticulture crops and the aqua sector besides breaching roads, destroying houses and industrial units.
Providing a break-up of the ₹1,200 crore losses, he said the agriculture sector had witnessed a loss of ₹385.24 crore, horticulture crops ₹108 crore, aquaculture ₹4.23 crore, animal husbandry ₹22.1 lakh, industries ₹34.43 lakh, irrigation ₹506 crore, roads and buildings ₹69 crore, Panchayat Raj ₹60 crore, rural water supply department ₹51.40 crore, electricity ₹15 crore and urban local bodies ₹2.03 crore.
The Central team members also went around a photo exhibition depicting the vast damage caused to various sectors. Showing graphic account of the damage, the Collector showed flattened crops of rice, turmeric, cotton, maize, groundnut, banana, papaya and betel nut among other varieties.
The Central team members led by Joint Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs Anil Subramaniam, Machilipatnam Member of Parliament Vallabhaneni Balashouri and others were present.
Published – September 12, 2024 03:56 am IST