The Kodigehalli police on Saturday arrested Advocate K.N. Jagadish, known for his controversial statements, and three others for opening fire in the air following a fight with a group over a trivial row.
The others arrested included his gunmen Arya and Abhishek Tiwari and driver Shubham. All of them have been remanded into judicial custody.
Jagadish, a resident of Kodigehalli, reportedly got into an argument with his neighbours over putting up a pandal for a function at his house blocking the road leading to his house. The argument soon went out of hand and turned into a fisticuff and Jagadish sustained injuries.
In the melee, one of his two private gunmen Abhishek Tiwari reportedly fired a round in the air to threaten the crowd and protect Jagadish. No one was injured in the incident, the police said.
Police rushed to the spot and detained those involved in the scuffle, including Jagadish. He later posted a live video on his Facebook handle, as he was escorted by the policemen following the melee. “The gunman had no choice but to open fire,” he claimed.
Published – January 25, 2025 08:12 pm IST