Karnataka Lokayukta police arrested the office manager of the accounts section at Shivamogga City Corporation while accepting a bribe from a contractor on Thursday.
S.R. Siddesh, office manager, allegedly demanded a bribe of ₹10,000 from Sunil Kumar, a contractor, to clear a bill worth ₹4.66 lakh. The contractor had bagged work to put up a shed on the office premises through an e-tender. He had completed the work in December 2024.
However, his bill was not cleared. The accused demanded ₹11,500, which amounts to 4% of the total amount, as a bribe to pass the payment. Later, the contractor bargained for ₹10,000. As he was not willing to pay the amount, the contractor filed the complaint with the Lokayukta Police along with an audio recording of the phone call with the accused.
The police, acting under the guidance of Lokayukta Superintendent of Police M.H. Manjunath Choudhary, arrested the accused.
Published – January 17, 2025 08:14 pm IST