Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala tied the knot on December 4, 2024, at Annapurna Studios in Hyderabad, sparking widespread attention. While they kept a low profile since their wedding, on January 11, 2025, the couple enjoyed a casual outing with friends.
Actor Sushanth Anumolu shared a picture showing Chay and Sobhita having fun at a get-together.
Check out the photo here:
In the photo, Chaitanya wore a casual brown hoodie, and Sobhita looked stunning in a maroon sleeveless dress. Although they didn’t pose together, their smiles showed they had a great time at the laid-back gathering with friends.
In an earlier interview with ETimes, Nagarjuna shared how he played matchmaker between his son, Chaitanya, and Sobhita. He explained that he had been praising Sobhita’s performance in Goodachari when Chaitanya walked in. Nagarjuna invited Sobhita to meet him again in Hyderabad, and during one of her visits, Chaitanya and Sobhita met for the first time.
In August 2024, Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala had a private engagement, followed by their traditional
Telugu wedding
on December 4, 2024, attended by close family and friends.
Sobhita wore a beautiful golden Uppada silk saree with intricate zari work, giving it a royal touch. For the engagement, she paired the saree with a matching golden blouse. Sobhita carefully chose fabrics from Andhra Pradesh’s weaving communities, aiming to honor her roots and the region’s rich tradition.