Ahmedabad police have arrested two more persons in connection with the parcel bomb explosion that injured two individuals in the Sabarmati area on Saturday. The blast, which occurred on Saturday morning, was the culmination of a revenge plot orchestrated by Rupen Rao, a 44-year-old man seeking retribution against his estranged wife’s family.
Police have identified Rao as the mastermind behind the attack, which targeted Baldev Sukhadia, a friend of his wife, along with Sukhadia’s father and brother. According to authorities, Rao, in the process of divorcing his wife, had become obsessed with seeking revenge on those he blamed for his separation. His plot involved the use of homemade bombs and firearms, which he allegedly learned to make online.
The blast
The bomb exploded at a row house in Sabarmati at around 10.45 am on Saturday, injuring two people. Following the explosion, police quickly arrested Gaurav Gadhavi, who was found at the scene. Police then conducted an intensive investigation using technical surveillance, leading to the arrest of Rao and his accomplice, Rohan Raval, on Saturday night.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Bharat Rathod confirmed that Rao and Raval had been planning the attack for several months. “Rao had been learning to make bombs and firearms through online resources over the past three to four months,” said Rathod. “His goal was to harm Sukhadia and his in-laws, as well as to emotionally isolate his wife by creating a rift with her family.”
Bombs, guns, and a gruesome plot
Following the arrest, the police recovered two live bombs from a car associated with the suspects. The bombs, made from sulfur powder, gunpowder, and electronic circuits, appeared to be remotely detonated. Additionally, police found a country-made pistol, along with ammunition, which Rao had crafted himself. A bomb detection and disposal squad (BDDS) defused the bombs in a timely manner, preventing further casualties.
Rathod detailed that the bombs were designed to cause fatal injuries. “Although the full forensic analysis is pending, the bombs were capable of causing lethal damage if they had exploded in a vital area of the body,” he said.
Rao’s bitterness toward his estranged wife and her family was further compounded by a personal health issue – a stomach ailment – that he believed had been exacerbated by their actions. “He felt weak and alienated due to his medical condition and blamed his wife, father-in-law, and brother-in-law for making him feel isolated,” said Rathod.
Conspiracy to take revenge
Rao’s animosity toward Sukhadia and his in-laws led him to hatch an elaborate scheme. With Raval’s help, Rao initially attempted to deliver a bomb-laden parcel to Sukhadia’s house on Friday night. However, as Sukhadia was not home, the delivery was postponed until the next morning. Gadhavi, acting as the delivery man, carried the parcel to the house, where it exploded upon detonation by Raval from a remote location.
The plot did not end there. Investigators believe that Rao and Raval had planned similar attacks on his father-in-law and brother-in-law. They had intended to use bombs to eliminate them as well, further isolating Rao’s estranged wife from her family.
During their investigation, the police uncovered a cache of explosive materials and firearms at Rao’s residence. Items seized included five live cartridges, several high-voltage battery cells, three incomplete country-made pistols, pipes of various sizes, two remotes, three mobile phones, gas cylinders, and a variety of tools used in bomb-making, including drill machines, screws, nails, and blades.
Authorities believe that Rao had been preparing for a series of attacks, with the intention of causing widespread damage and creating an atmosphere of fear.