Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Kangana Ranaut on Thursday praised the ‘One Nation, One Election’ initiative, calling it the need of the hour as conducting elections every six months imposes a significant financial burden on the government. Speaking to the media, Ranaut highlighted the challenges associated with recurring elections, particularly voter turnout. “‘One Nation, One Election’ is very important because conducting elections every six months costs the government treasury a great deal. The biggest challenge is encouraging people to come out and vote repeatedly. Voter turnout is declining every year. This is the need of the hour, and everyone supports it,” she said. Notably, in September this year, the Union Cabinet had approved the ‘One Nation, One Election’ proposal, aiming to synchronise Lok Sabha and Assembly elections along with urban body and panchayat polls within a 100-day timeframe. The recommendations for this initiative were outlined in a report by a high-level panel chaired by former President Ram Nath Kovind.
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