Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday launched a scathing attack on the opposition ‘Maha Vikas Aghadi’ over the growth in the state and accused the alliance of putting a break in the development of Maharashtra. Likening the MVA as the ‘biggest player of corruption,’ the Prime Minister said that the MVA has done a ‘PHD’ in putting brakes and ‘stalling, hanging and wandering’ the development projects of the city.Addressing a rally in Chandrapur’s Chimbur, PM Modi said, “Maharashtra ka tez vikas Aghadi walo ki baski baat nai hai. MVA ne keval kaamo par break lagane mai PHD ki hai. Kaamo ko atkana, latkana aur bhatkana.” Taking a shot at the Congress, PM Modi said that the party has done a double PhD and is an expert in this concept of putting a break in the development works.
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