Telangana High Court on Monday (September 9, 2024) directed the office of the Telangana Assembly speaker to announce within four weeks the schedule of hearing the petitions seeking disqualification of three Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) MLAs who joined the ruling Congress party.
Justice B Vijaysen Reddy of Telangana High Court on Monday (September 9, 2024) directed the office of the Telangana Assembly speaker to announce within four weeks the schedule of hearing the petitions seeking disqualification of three Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) MLAs who joined the ruling Congress party.
The MLAs Danam Nagender, Kadiyam Srihari and Tellam Venkat Rao of Khairatabad, Station Ghanpur and Bhadrachalam assembly constituencies respectively, were elected on BRS tickets in the State Assembly Elections-2023. Later, they joined Congress.
The judge, while disposing of the three petitions filed by two BRS MLAs, said that the schedule of the hearing should be informed to the office of the Registrar General of the High Court. If the schedule is not received within the stipulated time, the High Court would suo moto open the petitions for hearing again,the judge said.
BRS MLAs K.P. Vivekananda and P. Kaushik Reddy, of Quthbullapur and Huzurabad constituencies respectively, sought the Assembly speaker’s office to disqualify the three MLAs as they joined Congress party without resigning from BRS. They have also filed writ petitions in the High Court seeking a direction to the Assembly Speaker’s office to disqualify the three MLAs.
Published – September 09, 2024 12:37 pm IST