As siblings celebrated their bond on Raksha Bandhan, Bollywood too joined in the festivities. Undated photos of Shah Rukh Khan’s kids Aryan and
were shared by their cousin Alia Chhiba on social media, making fans nostalgic. AbRam is seen receiving a sweet kiss on his cheek, while another depicts Alia applying tika to Aryan, who looks stylish in a black t-shirt and black denim.
Alia Chhiba is Suhana Khan’s first cousin, as she is the daughter of Gauri Khan’s brother, Vikrant. This makes her Shah Rukh Khan’s niece.
Shah Rukh Khan Greets Fans from Mannat on Independence Day
On the professional front, Aryan has skipped being an actor and has decided to mark his debut in films as a director. At 26, Aryan is set to make his directorial debut with a six-episode web series titled ‘Stardom’. It features Lakshya in the lead role, with cameo appearances by Ranbir Kapoor, Ranveer Singh, Shah Rukh Khan, Bobby Deol and Mona Singh. Filming began in June 2023, and Aryan is currently working on the final schedule, aiming for a year-end release. According to Mid-Day, Aryan spent April filming ‘Stardom’ at various locations, starting at Andheri East Studio, then moving to Madh Island, and now at Royal Palms in Goregaon. The shooting at Goregaon is expected to continue until the end of the week before shifting to a new location. Meanwhile, Aryan is also overseeing the editing process. Although there is no rush for the show’s delivery, the team is eager to have it ready by the end of the year.
Produced by Aryan’s father, Shah Rukh Khan, the six-episode web series delves into the intricacies of the Hindi film industry. Meanwhile, AbRam Khan recently made his voice-over debut alongside his father, Shah Rukh Khan, and brother, Aryan, in ‘Mufasa: The Lion King’.