Spreading the message of peace and harmony, West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee said on Monday that she will follow the Centre’s instructions on Bangladesh issue as the matter involves two countries. She asked the people of all communities to maintain peace and calm.
“I plead to people of all communities with folded hands to stay calm and healthy. Don’t resort to any communal behaviour and take the law in your hands. Brothers and sisters, the Government of India and Government of Bangladesh will look into the matter. I will follow what the Government of India tells us,” Banerjee said.
She urged all political parties and people to prevent posting anything which hampers peace.
“I will request all political party leaders and people across the country and globe to…stay away from posting something which hampers communal harmony here. Let the issue rest in the hands of the central government. We have a government in the country. Don’t make any comments which instigates or provokes or creates communal disharmony…,” she said.