Devotees often speak to God or their guru about their inner turbulence and pray for relief from the same. Typically, such a state of mind is a result of dilemma over following dharma and can be overcome by learning lessons from the Ramayana, said Swami Mittranandaji. Rama’s first battle was against Tataka, the ogress, whom Lakshmana and he encounter when they accompany sage Viswamitra to his abode. A once fertile field was now the hunting ground of Tataka, who reveled in destroying hermitages and unleashing terror on all, including ascetics. Married to the demon Sunda, Tataka, who possessed the strength of a thousand elephants (due to a boon granted by Brahma to her father), and her son Maricha terrorised the region. Viswamitra ordered Rama to kill her. One may ask if it is right to kill a female. However, Tataka was not an ordinary woman, but a fierce ogress bent upon destroying everything that is good. Only Rama could destroy her and Viswamitra advised him not to be misled by feelings of compassion for her, as she was nothing but a force of evil. When one’s duty is to protect, one must not have doubts about the means to be deployed.
Thiruvalluvar says, “Avail yourself of all opportunities. Do not cease from practising dharma on all possible occasions to the best of your ability.” Rama obediently killed Tataka with a powerful arrow, performing his first act of dharma, thereby ending the hardship faced by countless humans and other forest creatures and bringing peace upon the region. His act of divinity continues to light the path for numerous devotees on the importance of following the righteous path.