The Calcutta High Court on Friday allowed Leader of Opposition Suvendu Adhikari and alleged victims of post-poll violence to meet Governor CV Ananda Bose at Raj Bhavan, if granted permission by his office.
Coming down heavily on Kolkata Police, the HC. wondered whether the Governor was under “house arrest”. “Is the Governor under house arrest? If not, why were these people not allowed to meet the Governor despite prior permission,” the court questioned. The police, in its response, said that Adhikari had gone to Raj Bhavan earlier also and he was never stopped. However, Adhikari did not inform about the total number of people accompanying him yesterday. Justice Amrita Sinha directed Adhikari to take fresh permission from Bose’s office and take the victims to the Raj Bhavan as yesterday’s permission had expired.
It further directed that details of the number of vehicles and number of violence-affected people should be given to the police. However, the court observed that identities of the victims cannot be documented as they may be harassed in future.
One person, on behalf of Adhikari, will have to inform the police about the total number of victims (the BJP workers) who will be accompanying Adhikari, the court noted
Adhikari moved the Calcutta HC today claiming that despite having written permission, police stopped him and 200 BJP workers affected by post-poll violence from entering the Raj Bhavan on Thursday.