Bollywood actress Raveena Tandon was recently embroiled in a controversy stemming from an altercation in Mumbai’s Bandra area. The incident, which occurred on June 1st, sparked accusations of road rage and assault against the actress. A widely circulated video depicted Raveena defending herself against claims of reckless driving and injuring three individuals. However, the narrative has shifted following a police investigation.
Raveena Tandon gets CLEAN CHIT in Bandra road rage incident; express gratitude: “Moral of the story? Get dash cams and CCTVs now!”
Authorities Conclude No Wrongdoing by Raveena
Mumbai Police, after reviewing CCTV footage and witness statements, have cleared Raveena Tandon of any wrongdoing. The investigation revealed that the actress’s car did not hit anyone, and her driver was not driving rashly. Additionally, no evidence supported claims of the actress being intoxicated.
Raveena Expresses Gratitude for Support
Taking to Instagram Stories, Raveena expressed her appreciation for the unwavering support she received from fans during this challenging time. Her message stated the importance of dashcams and CCTV for capturing accurate accounts of events.
Focus Shifts Back to Upcoming Projects
With the controversy resolved, Raveena can now turn her focus back to her thriving career. Fans eagerly await her upcoming film, Welcome to the Jungle, a star-studded comedy slated for a Christmas 2024 release.
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