In a major jolt to Congress in Delhi ahead of Lok Sabha elections in the national capital, Former Congress Delhi President Arvinder Singh Lovely joined BJP on May 04. “I had resigned from the post of Delhi Congress President and after that, I met all my colleagues and thousands of Congress workers. All those people said that you should not sit at home and should continue fighting for the people of Delhi and the country… Indira ji ne bola tha Mere khoon ka katra katra iss desh ke liye hai. Aaj Congress Party Katre Katre se Tukde Tukde tak pahunch gayi hain. That’s why we’ve decided to join BJP which is working for the development of the country,” said Arvinder Singh Lovely.
From Indira Gandhi’s ‘Katre Katre’, Cong has reached to ‘Tukde Tukde’: Arvinder Singh on joining BJP