BJP’s National Spokesperson lashed out at Rahul Gandhi for his remarks on PM Modi’s ‘Dwarka Darshan’. Rahul Gandhi had termed it “drama”. “Sometimes he speaks about Pakistan, sometimes he goes under water to do drama…he has mocked politics,” Rahul Gandhi had said.Couner Rahul Gandhi, Sudhanshu Trivedi said, “I want to ask, what was he talking about? PM Modi went to see Dwarka, it wasn’t just an underwater dive. This shows Congress’ disrespect for Hindu religion. In your books, it was taught that there was no Dwarka. Now, the science has revealed about its existence. PM Modi went to see that. And you just see a sea there.”
Sudhanshu Trivedi blasts Rahul Gandhi for mocking PM Modi’s Dwarka visit ‘Disrespect for Hindus…’